ABD Direct, a division of AB Data, Ltd, offers a complete and integrated set of fundraising services under one umbrella. We consider everything to be our responsibility, including package development, data selection, as well as, front and back-end analysis. As a result, you are able to spend less time overseeing your direct marketing fundraising program. It also means that when you need an analysis report, or need to have a production status update, we take care of it immediately.
Working with a full-service agency means we will concentrate on every detail and take total, bottom line responsibility for all aspects of your fundraising program. Your Consulting account team will always work to keep your best interests in mind. They are your personal agents to ensure our entire team of art directors, in-house and freelance copywriters, data experts, list brokers, print buyers and production managers, completes every aspect of your projects on time, on target and on budget.
Direct mail may not be the newest kid on the block, but it still represents many organization’s most productive and far-reaching fundraising and communications program. As has always been true, managing a productive direct mail program is both an art and a science, requiring effective messaging, eye-catching graphics, cost effective production, detailed, forward-looking analysis and targeted segmentation. But in the fast changing multi-channel environment that we work in, it’s critical that direct mail be implemented as a part—albeit an important one—of the greater direct marketing program that defines the full donor experience.
ABD Direct provides full service management of direct mail fundraising programs to our nonprofit, advocacy and political clients, including program planning, budgeting, package development and production, segmentation, analysis and reporting. We understand that every organization, just like every donor, is unique, and we are proud that the programs we manage reflect—and celebrate—that difference.
Over the years we have worked in partnership with digital firms, believing that our combined expertise in direct response marketing would result in successful, integrated programs. In recent years, however, the delta between that theory and actual practices has been growing. In many instances, the programs shared little in the way of strategy, messaging, testing, or data analysis. While everyone extolled the virtues of integration, it wasn’t happening the way we believed it had to if we hoped to truly better the donor experience. As a result, we started our digital division to deliver a truly integrated program for our clients.
A donor acquisition program cannot be declared a success until we demonstrate that these newly acquired donors will give more than once. We are confident in our abilities to build upon past successes and take your program to the next level by acquiring quality donors and upgrading the value of those already on your file.
In reaching these goals we help our clients develop a strong “brand” in the donor marketplace. If donors lack a clear and succinct understanding of who you are and what you stand for, you will never achieve your ultimate potential. We start by taking time to understand your organization and then help you communicate your organization’s unique mission and clear purpose to donors. Identifying your “brand” in the marketplace will ensure strong responses to future appeals.
When it comes to list selection and target marketing segmentation for your acquisition mail program, the AB Data Group brings a great deal to the table. The AB Data Group began as a list company and today we continue to work with our four-person internal list division. This division spends all their time tracking the ever-changing direct mail list environment.
In addition to keeping tabs on current list availabilities, and because the quality of lists is always changing, we constantly look for new and innovative ways to improve response through a variety of data enhancement options. These methods include zip code analysis, neural network modeling, gender analysis, demographic overlays, statistical modeling and other techniques. We will leverage expertise in these specialized areas, strengthening your donor acquisition program.
Our experienced production team is able to take our creative ideas and transform them into high quality mail packages. Not only does our production division meet or beat tight deadlines and strict budgets, they also have an excellent quality control track record. Our long-standing relationships with a wide-range of vendors and the sheer volume of work we do for our clients enhances our buying power and allows us to competitively bid every project for the best prices in the industry.
In addition to competitive pricing and full-service management of the print, bindery and assembly processes, our production division is home to postal experts who monitor the latest trends and regulations from the United States Postal Service. Our print buyer is constantly looking for new and innovative paper, envelope, package and premium options. Together, your account team and the production team work hand-in-hand to ensure that every package we produce is of the best quality and mails on time and within budget.
Maximizing the value of a donor base you have worked long and hard to build requires using every tool available and every possible fundraising effort and strategy. For most of our clients, that involves a separate major donor program, monthly giving program, integrated online fundraising and a planned giving solicitation effort.
Whether you are embarking on a long term strategic plan, have hit a rut with one of your income streams, or are just planning for next year, through a fundraising audit ABD Direct can work with you to paint the big picture perspective you need to implement long term strategies and make the case for the resources to bring your plan to fruition.